Sunday 31 May 2015


What a full-on, fun weekend it was!
Thanks to all who came, and an especially big thanks to our presenters: Anna Mackenzie, Kyle Mewburn, Bronwen Evans, Rebecca Lal, Jennifer Mortimer and Jackie Dennis.
We couldn't have done it without you!
Thanks also to our sponsors: Tightlines, Wardini Books and Hachette, and to the Havelock North Function Centre and Vertigo Catering at the Havelock Club who all helped to create a very memorable and educational weekend.
Musical literary quiz by CD Branch chair Mary-anne Scott
The milling, buzzing, chattering, between-workshop crowd in the Function Centre foyer
Superb annual dinner care of Vertigo Catering - "The best ever" was a phrase on repeat play
Gareth & Louise Ward's warm and welcoming bookshop, Wardini Books
Bronwen's professional and informative session
Anna and Rebecca's 'two sides of editing' workshop
Pitching for all occasions - "giving it a go is the best way to learn"

Join us next year for an even bigger event - visit for updates.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Winter Workshop Series

Only 12 days to go and there are a few places remaining in our workshops!
Don't miss this great opportunity to build your knowledge. Book now!